Senin, 27 April 2009

Miley Cyrus Nick Jonas Not Dating

Miley Cyrus Nick Jonas Not Dating - Miley Cyrus claims to Mirror UK that she is not dating Nick Jonas and that they are just best friends.

Miley says: Nick Jonas again, but they are ‘best friends’: ‘We aren’t back together. I don’t think people know how to make an ex-boyfriend a best friend and it seems impossible. But when you have known each other as long as we have,

..we did have such a great relationship. Even he has said, ‘We don’t know what will happen in the future but for right now we know we are best friends.’ It’s also not bad having a best friend with a Mustang. I have my Prius and he has got
the Mustang.’ On Hannah Montana:

‘I can’t be Hannah Montana til I’m 30. But I want to carry on as long as people are liking episodes. And there are other dreams I have as well. I am about to start work on a new film called The Last Song. It’s a very dramatic role and I think it is going to change how people picture me a lot.

It’s kind of cool but weird when you go into a store and you see people buying your face. That’s weird. I don’t want to make movies so I can be on a T-shirt. I’ll be happy when I am known for something else apart from that. It’s awesome and it is cool and has become bigger than I could ever imagine.’

What do you think? True or fake?

And thats the latest on Glambamm about Miley Cyrus Nick Jonas Not Dating.

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